
Affording a Highland Education


Managing the cost of tuition is a consideration for every family interested in an independent school education. To help, we use an easy and accessible approach called "Indexed Tuition" that bases tuition on how much a family can contribute toward its child's tuition.
As a school rooted in community, we are determined to make a Highland School education accessible to students and families from a wider range of economic backgrounds. To achieve this, families pay a tuition that is tailored to their income.

Whether your family qualifies for indexed tuition or a student receives a merit scholarship, our goal is to ensure that every qualified candidate from Kindergarten to Grade 12 has access to the Highland School experience. In fact, we awarded more than $2.5 million in grants and scholarships to new and returning students last year.

Application Dates

Here is a list of important dates to apply for the 2025/2026 academic year: 

Applications for New Families

Friday, January 24, 2025 (first round)

Ongoing Applications

New applications are accepted until classes fill through August 2025


Here is the updated tuition listing for Highland School's 2025/2026 Academic Year:



Lower School (Grades 1-4)


Middle School (Grades 5-8)


Upper School (Grades 9-12)

Click here for complete tuition information for our Pre-Kindergarten programs for students from age two through four.


Click on any of the expanding boxes below to read more on some of the most frequently asked questions about Highland School's application process.

List of 4 items.

  • How does Highland's Indexed Tuition program work?

    To help us objectively assess what a family is able to contribute to educational expenses, Highland uses Clarity as a trusted third-party resource. We use these calculations as the baseline for our Indexed Tuition determinations. To learn more, please visit

    Notification of tuition determinations will be released on the same schedule as admission decision letters. Although decisions about admission and indexed tuition are made at the same time, the two processes are distinctly separate. It is our goal to provide you with a confidential and transparent process that allows you to evaluate your ability to manage this investment and sustain your child's enrollment at Highland School.

    We appreciate your interest in Highland School. To learn more about our Indexed Tuition program or to schedule a tour of our campus, please contact Brooke Trudeau at or call 540-878-2743.

  • Are there merit-based scholarships for students in grades 9-12?

    Highland School also offers generous merit-based scholarship programs for students from 9th to 12th grades. To learn more about our Piedmont Scholarship and Founders Scholarship programs, please contact Brooke Trudeau at or call 540-878-2743.
  • Can you pay your Highland School tuition with a Virginia529 Saving Plan?

    Recent changes to the Internal Revenue Code as part of the Tax Cut and Jobs Act may allow you to pay a portion of your tuition using money from a Virginia529 Saving Plan. For more specific details, please contact your financial advisor. 
  • Have a question? We’re here to help!

    To learn more about how we can help you afford a Highland School education, please contact Brooke Trudeau, our Tuition Assistance Officer, at 540-878-2743 or send an email to


To learn more about how we can help you afford a Highland School education, please contact our Tuition Assistance Officer Brooke Trudeau at 540-878-2743 or send an email to


Highland School is a co-ed independent Pre-K2 to Grade 12 day school located in Warrenton, Virginia.